Ocean Facts
Picture of ocean stuff.


The points of the so-called Bermuda Triangle are Miami, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda—but don't worry if you've booked a trip to any of those destinations. Despite the area being known for the unexplained disappearances of ships and planes, there really isn't any evidence that it's more dangerous than anywhere else in the world, or that there's any supernatural phenomenon at work. But, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) does admit there could be scientific reasons for the disappearances, such as the likelihood of hurricanes, rapid changes in weather due to the Gulf Stream, and the numerous islands in the Caribbean that make for tricky navigation. NOAA also acknowledges that the area could possibly mess with navigational tools, making them point true north as opposed to magnetic north; or that "oceanic flatulence," a burst of methane gas from the sea, could somehow have affected the vessels and planes.