Ocean Facts
Picture of ocean stuff.


The gourami fish is found in a huge spectrum of colors. They have a stretched body with iridescent scales and males and females can be differentiated by color. The well-known dwarf gourami female is a silvery color while the male dwarf gourami is blue or red in color. Other species are blue, pink, green, gold, and many other colors. They have long fins and, in front of their pelvic fins, many species have a long feeler-like ray. One of the best gourami adaptations to take note of is their labyrinth. As they mostly lived in muddy and stagnant water, this acts as a lung and helps them to gulp in oxygen from the surface. The dorsal and anal fins of this fish are pointed and are longer in males. The fins on their abdomen are as long as their body and they regrow if broken.