Sea snakes evolved in the Coral Triangle region of Southeast Asia 6 to 8 million years ago, with the majority of species appearing between 1 and 3 million years ago. By the time any sea snakes spread across the Pacific to the New World, the Isthmus of Panama had already closed, blocking their access to the Caribbean. In the Eastern Hemisphere, forbiddingly cold, dry conditions at the tip of South Africa where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet prevent the snakes from surviving long if they drift west of the Cape of Good Hope. The snakes die in water colder than 65 degrees, and they depend on the freshwater of rivers, streams, estuaries and rainfall for drinking water.
Although the earth's warming temperatures mean that the Northwest Passage is now free (albeit not easy) to sail through, this was not always the case. The search for the elusive passage claimed the lives of many ambitious sailors in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; keen to find an alternate trade route to Asia, their ships would become lodged in Arctic ice, sealing their fate in the Great White North. The Octavius was one of many to meet such a fate, but the grim scenes found on board was what made the story of this ghost ship particularly terrifying. The three-masted schooner departed from England in 1761, but was found off the coast of Greenland in 1775. Her captain had, unluckily decided to try and use the then nonexistent Northwest Passage (which superyacht Rosehearty has since cleared) to return home. The five men who boarded the derelict ship in 1775 were confronted with a ghostly sight; the entire 28-man crew was below deck, but frozen to death. The icy figure of the ship's captain was discovered sitting at his desk, writing in his logbook, pen still in hand. The last logbook entry was in 1762 - the ghost ship and her crew had been lost at sea for 13 years before being found.
It is quite interesting to note that icefish do not have any hemoglobin or red blood cells, meaning they have white or clear blood. They are the only vertebrates to lack both of these. Early research suggested that crocodile icefish blood lacks red blood cells and hemoglobin as they had already absorbed enough oxygen from the extremely low-temperature but oxygen-rich waters of their surroundings. It was thought that this adaptation made their blood thinner which helped the blood in their bodies to circulate faster. This also aided in adapting to an extreme environment. However, new developments in science have revealed that the lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells might be accidental, as the absence of the protein hemoglobin along with red blood cells has reduced the oxygen-carrying capability of their blood.
The story goes, Mary Read and Anne Bonny's paths crossed in 1720 when Calico Jack's crew attacked Mary's ship in the West Indies and took some of its passengers as prisoners. When Mary surrendered to the attacking pirates and subsequently joined the crew, Anne couldn't help but notice this bold and handsome new recruit. Though accounts vary, according to Captain Charles Johnson, Anne Bonny was initially drawn to Mary Read by physical attraction. Anne sought Mary out romantically, believing her to be an especially beautiful man. Once Anne's intentions became obvious, though, Mary decided to reveal her true identity. Anne was either disappointed or intrigued by this revelation depending on which accounts you believe. Some historians argue that Anne and Mary were lovers, others that they were just friends. Captain Charles, for one, seems to have believed that the two were lovers. Both Mary and Anne had reputations as the toughest of the tough in the pirate world- they could fight, swear, steal, and even kill with the best of them. They were known as some of the fiercest fighters on Calico Jack's crew, certainly challenging the old pirate saying that having women aboard a ship invites bad luck. Mary was known to pick fights with crewmembers "when she had been insulted," and Anne is rumored to have brutally stabbed a man in the heart for making comments about women on board ships bringing bad luck to sailors. Anne was listed as a "Most Wanted" pirate in a Boston newspaper, an example of both her fierceness and her renown. The two women are often depicted in battle together, dressed in men's clothes and carrying pistols, cutlasses, and knives Near midnight on October 22, Anne and Mary were on deck when they noticed a mysterious sloop gliding up alongside them. They realized it was one of the governor's vessels, The sloop's captain, Jonathan Barnett, ordered the pirates to surrender, but Rackam began firing his swivel gun. Barnett ordered a counterattack, and the barrage of fire disabled Rackam's ship and sent the few men on deck to cowering in the hold. Outnumbered, Rackam signaled surrender and called for quarter.But Anne and Mary refused to surrender. They remained on deck and faced the governor's men alone, firing their pistols and swinging their cutlasses. Mary, the legend goes, was so disgusted she stopped fighting long enough to peer over the entrance of the hold and yell, "If there's a man among ye, ye'll come up and fight like the man ye are to be!" When not a single comrade responded, she fired a shot down into the hold, killing one of them. Anne, Mary and the rest of Rackam's crew were finally overpowered and taken prisoner. Anne and Mary were found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, but their executions were stayed—because, as lady luck would have it, they were both "quick with child."
The Golden Dorado or Salminus brasiliensis is a species of trophy fish that is considered to be one of the hardest fish to catch pound for pound. Also known as the River Tiger, they have the ability to leap out of the air with ease and have unmatched fighting power and stamina. Anglers from all over the world come to places like Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Brazil to seek out these tasty fish! The warm waters of the Plate and Amazon systems are the best places to find these freshwater fish. It is also the national fish of Argentina where it is illegal to catch one.
Unlike other turtles, sea turtles cannot retract their flippers and head into their shells. Their streamlined shells and large paddle-shaped flippers make them very agile and graceful swimmers. In the water, their rear flippers are used as rudders, for steering.
The Baltic Sea and the Northern Sea meet but their waters do not mingle is the difference in their density, which is connected with the salinity. This chemical difference is known as a halocline. The North Sea has more saline water as it comes from the Danish Straits while the Baltic Sea has fresh and clean water that comes from the drainage basin. From time to time, the temperature of the bodies of water alters, which causes surface mixing. Still, it happens only in particular regions where the seas are rather shallow, so they remain mostly separate.
You cannot catch fish in your toilet. The level of water is too low and the concentration of sewage is too high. Fish need oxygenated water to survive (it's how they breathe), and toilet water isn't oxygenated enough. Even if it was, the level of sewage would kill any species of fish. Toilet water goes through a reclamation process that filters out all sewage and bacteria before becoming "grey water". Grey water is then often used for irrigation or other non-consumption purposes.
While most Tigerfish species are not known to be dangerous to humans, the Goliath Tigerfish is a scary exception. Citing recorded instances in the Congo River where unsuspecting swimmers have been preyed upon, it is the only African freshwater fish that is actually known to attack humans. Its mouth doesn't have any lips with the teeth set along the edge of its jaw fitting into distinct grooves. It preys on any fish it can overpower including smaller members of its own species and small crocodiles
The alligator snapping turtle has a large head and thick shell with three ridges that feature large, spiked scales. In contrast, the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) has a smoother shell. Snapping turtle have strong, stout heads, powerful jaws, and sharp claws. alligator snapping turtles are opportunistic predators. Their usual diet includes fish, carcasses, mollusks, amphibians, worms, snakes, water birds, crayfish, aquatic mammals, and other turtles. They will also eat aquatic plants. Large alligator snapping turtles have been known to kill and eat American alligators. Like other reptiles, they refuse to eat when the temperature is extremely cold or hot because they cannot digest their meal.